Charges : Summary Charge Batch Procedures

Summary Charge Batch Procedures
When you use Voyager to record charges, you enter the charges in groups called batches. You can enter charges in either summary batches or detail batches. The two batch types are essentially different ways of entering and viewing the same information, and a charge entered in a screen for one batch type can be edited in the screen for the other. It is generally easier to enter charges in a summary batch, but you have more flexibility with a detail batch.
Use a summary charge batch for groups of routine charges (with the exception of lease charges, which are processed as part of monthly posting). Summary batches do not allow you to specify charge accounts or to hold payment. Charges in summary batches use the default G/L accounts defined for each charge code, and the default accounts receivable account.
When you edit an existing charge batch, you are not required to use the same method (summary or detail) you used when you created the batch. You can edit any charge batch with either method.